Magalie “Maggie“ Albert
A real-life Superwoman, considered SUPER in everything she does; an entrepreneur and a leader with more than 20 successful years in the Finance industry. She continually introduced new innovations and helped agents reach greater heights. On her HUMAN side, she takes her role as a wife and a mother to her 3 awesome children. Though she is a prominent business woman, Maggie secures quality time with her family. She believes that if a woman can be successful in the outside world, much more should she be to her family. She strives to maintain an environment that nurtures the well being of her loved ones.
Tony Ly
The forefront of successful businesses in the various field of Finance, Telecommunications, Real Estate, Entertainment and E-Commerce. Known as “The Guy Who Delivers”, he has earned the respect and won the heart of the entrepreneur. He is a dedicated father and loving husband to his family. His life achievements not only made him exceptional in terms of business, but also inspired his 3 children as he aims to be a role model. Tony believes that a good company needs a strong connection to the community. Therefore, he listens to all the needs of the community and is ready to help anytime.